What next?

What next?
Consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Report on the event on 28 april 2022
Russia is waging an unpardonable war of aggression in Ukraine, caring nothing for international law and thus threatening Europe's freedom and democracy. A partnership of any kind with this regime is no longer conceivable for the foreseeable future.
Interesting in this context is the introduction in the book "Russia's Way out of the Crisis" by Alxander Solzhenitsyn, published in 1990.
The impact of the war on the various areas of relations was examined by our speakers (in alphabetical order):
• Christian Nitsche, Editor-in-Chief of BR, explains the situation of the media
• Dr. Christiane Schuchart, Ost-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft, talks about the reorientation in the global economy
• Prof. Dr. Martin Schulze-Wessel (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Historian
• Karl Walter, Colonel (ret.), will look at the consequences for security policy
• Prof. Dr. Werner Weidenfeld (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Political scientist
The European Union must use economic strength for external security, sustainability of global trade and preservation of European values.
Read the full report on the event here