Silk Road of the 21st Century - Century Opportunity for Bavaria and Nuremberg

Nuremberg Club Evening
Nuremberg is the end point of a direct rail connection from China to Germany. The OstWestWirtschaftsForum Bayern eV. must therefore be interested in this project of the People's Republic. In particular because a (freight) train already departs weekly from the Noris to China.
The port of Nuremberg connects the North Sea with the Black Sea via the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal and further into the Mediterranean Sea. In July, a much-noticed congress took place in Nuremberg. It became clear that the new "silk road concept" of the leadership in the country on the Yangtze River represents an opportunity for Franconia's economy.
At the Nuremberg Club Evening in the conference hall "triest" of the building of the harbour administration in the Rotterdammer Straße in the south of Nuremberg, the technical and ideological aspects were discussed.
At 5 p.m. 25 interested OWWF members and friends first met for a bus tour and a tour of the Bavarian harbour with container terminal. Chairman Eberhard Sinner then introduced the topic. OWWF China Representative Bill Holler also made a statement before Alexander Ochs, Managing Director of Hafen Nürnberg-Roth GmbH, gave an informative presentation on "Bayernhafen and China Activities".
This infrastructural picture of the possibilities of logistics on site was followed by a lecture "Silk Road of the 21st Century - Europe and China on the Move Together" by Jochen Kubosch, representing the European Union from Munich.
The Chinese Consul General Jingqiu Mao was unfortunately unable to attend the event to present the Chinese perspectives of this project with her contribution "Belt and Road Initiative". The evening ended with a get-together.
Speaker: Former Minister of State Eberhard Sinner, President OWWF Bavaria
Program sequence:
- 17.00 - 18.00 Bus tour and tour of the Bavarian harbour with container terminal from 18.00 hrs
- Welcome and introduction to the topic, Eberhard Sinner
- Statement Bill Holler, OWWF China Representative
- Presentation "Bayernhafen and China Activities", Alexander Ochs Managing Director Hafen Nürnberg-Roth GmbH
- "Silk Road of the 21st Century - Europe and China on the Road Together" Jochen Kubosch, Representation of the European Union, Munich
- "Belt and Road Initiative" - The Chinese Perspective Consul General Jingqiu Mao (inquired)
- Political agenda and next steps, Eberhard Sinner
- 20.00 - 21.00 Get-together
Nuremberg is the end point of a direct rail connection from China to Germany. The port of Nuremberg connects the North Sea with the Black Sea and further into the Mediterranean via the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal. In July, a much-noticed congress took place in Nuremberg.
We want to deepen the topic and invite you in cooperation with the Port of Nuremberg-Roth:
"Silk Road of the 21st Century - Century Opportunity for Bavaria and Nuremberg".
Thursday, 22 November 2018, 17.00 hrs
at the Bayernhafen Nuremberg - Roth
Rotterdamer Straße 2, 90451 Nuremberg, Germany
The number of participants is limited, please register soon.