Economic Forum Serbia - postponed

Meldung vom 8. August 2019
at Maximilianeum Munich
The event is cancelled / postponed
New date not yet fixed
13:30 Arrival of the guests, registration
13:30 Arrival of the guests, registration
14:00 Opening and welcome
Karl Freller MdL
1st Vicepresident of the Bavarian State Parliament
Eberhard Sinner
Former Minister of State, President OWWF Bavaria
14:20 Keynotes
Dr. Eberhard Sasse
President IHK Munich - Upper Bavaria
Rasim Ljajic
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister for Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister for Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications
Dr. Klaus-Peter Potthast
Ministerialdirigent, Head of the Economic Policy, Coordination, IndustryState Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy
15:00 Economic and economic policy framework conditions
Support for small and medium-sized enterprises in the Serbian market
SERBIA - Your next investment destination
Marco Čadež
Präsident of the Economic Chamber of Serbia
16:00 Coffee break
16.30 How business-friendly is the current Serbian economic policy?
Legal and tax aspects - SWOFT analysis
Dipl. Kfm. Armin Weber
tax consultant and auditor, ECOVIS Wirtschaftstreuhand
Alexander Samonig
Managing Partner, ECOVIS Serbia
17:00 Panel discussion
Marco Čadež - President of the Economic Chamber of Serbia
Martin Glößlein - Member of the Executive Board, LEONI AG
Dr. Klaus-Peter Potthast - Head of the Economic Policy Department
Alexander Samonig - Managing Partner, ECOVIS Serbia
Successfully exploiting the opportunities of cooperation
Experience reports from German companies
Questions from the audience
Alexander Lau
Head of Department Europe, IHK Munich - Upper Bavaria
18:30 Reception by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and OWWF Bavaria
Get-together, b2b-talks
20:00 End of the event
programme subject to alterations