OWWF Investment Conference Jiangsu, China

The topic of China is also very topical because of the US president's sanctions policy:
OWWF Investment Conference Jiangsu, China
Wednesday 07 November, 2018
09:30 o'clock - 16:00 o'clock
FOM University Centre
Arnulfstrasse 30, 80335 Munich, Germany
Room: M/FOM - H14
We are expecting a 20-person business delegation from the province of Jiangsu/China. Take the opportunity for a personal exchange with participants of this delegation.
Begin 09:30h
Welcome and introduction
President OWWF, former Bavarian Minister of State
Eberhard Sinner
Bavaria - Innovation and Industrial Development
Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Energy and Technology
Svetlana Huber - Invest in Bavaria
Collaboration Germany - China Aerospace and Industry
4.0 Bill Holler, Chairman DIN NL (Aerospace Standards)
Lunch Break 11:30h - 13:30h
Legal aspects for German / Chinese Joint Ventures
Dr. Frank Fuchs - Frank Fuchs Consulting
China Specialist Autonomous Flying
Conference and get together with OWWF Members
End 16:00h
Please register by fax to +49 8846 3380390 or by e-mail to info@owwf.bayern.