Danube Region

Strengthening the Danube Region
The opportunities are right on our doorstep - let's seize them!
Monday, 2 May 2022 • Historischer Herzogssaal, Domplatz 3, Regensburg
The opportunities are right on our doorstep - let's seize them!
Monday, 2 May 2022 • Historischer Herzogssaal, Domplatz 3, Regensburg
There is no better way to put it:
"Since Putin's war, I have stopped my business activities with RUS.
The great development of the last few years in China-EU rail traffic has almost come to a standstill due to China's Corona restrictions and Putin's war against Ukraine and the subsequent effects.
The West's 'change through trade' policy has had no effect or the opposite effect on Russia and China, especially since the West has made itself dependent on Putin's energy and China's economic power and at the same time neglected the military counterweight.
Since 2021, my focus has been on strategies for location development in Bavaria/Germany + Europe and I have been successful with this."
Harald Leupold
Former Vice-President of the Nuremberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Middle Franconia, Member of the Board of OWWF Bavaria
Some interesting press articles on the topic from the last few days:
Manager Magazin 27.03.2022 Problem China
Manager Magazin 29.03.2022 Supply chain disruption
Der Spiegel 31.03.2022 Globalisation
SZ online 29.03.2022 China: Partnership with Russia, Interview