50 Years BOG
We celebrate
50 Years Bayerische Ostgesellschaft
Monday, 13 Nov 2023
Hofbräukeller am Wiener Platz
The society was founded on the initiative of Erwin Essl MdL and Chairman of the IG Metall trade union in Bavaria. During the years of détente, attempts were made to establish contacts with the then Soviet Union. After several years of effort, it was possible to establish a Soviet Consulate General in Munich. Another success was achieved by our Gf Vice-President Hermann Pönisch (then a member of the Society's Board of Directors) in the spring of 1989 with a trip to Kiev, during which a twinning agreement was reached via a radio bridge between Kiev and Munich. The twinning of Nuremberg - Kharkiv and Regensburg - Odessa followed.
In 1991, after the end of the Soviet Union, the application to dissolve the society was submitted. However, a small number of the 1000 members at that time continued the work. The society was renamed BOG Bayerische Ostgesellschaft. Today, the BOG is mainly active in supporting the Ukrainian population, but also in other projects, e.g. in Kyrgyzstan.
OWWF Bavaria works in partnership with the BOG and is pleased to be a co-organiser at the festive evening.