Report Romania

Romania as a Business Location
Short report on the online event of 26 July 2021
At the last of our online events in the 1st half of 2021, we had a very well attended and informative event. After a welcome by President Eberhard Sinner, Karl Freller MdL brought greetings from the Bavarian Parliament in his function as 1st Vice President.
Ms Oana Marciana Özmen MP returned these greetings as a member of the Romanian Parliament.
In his keynote speech, Jürgen Raizner, Head of Steinbeis Transfer Management in Romania, highlighted Romania's progress in economic and political development over the last 30 years.
Dr. Marcel Wiesehoff was able to report from his practical experience about a successful engagement of his agricultural company in Romania. Cristian Ile, consultant at InvestRomania showed the possibilities of supporting companies in investing in Romania. Carmen Vasile, ECOVIS Romania explained the regulations of the Romanian tax and commercial law. Dr. Dan Moraru, Head of the Trade and Economic Office of the Romanian Embassy in Berlin gave an outline of the goals of Romanian policy for economic development in the coming years.
Finally, Ahmed Bekov, Head of the Economic Department of the German Embassy in Bucharest, presented a short SWOT analysis of Romania's strengths and remaining weaknesses.
Note: the presentations of the speakers are partly exclusively in German, partly in English.