"Brexit, Trump, nationalism - Do we need the European Union as an economic power? "
Nuremberg Club Evening: Discussion with Mr. Tobias Winkler from the European Parliament, Head of the Information Office
Discussion with Mr. Tobias Winkler
from the European Parliament, Head of the Information Office.
Tuesday, 28 March 2017;18:00 hrs.
Location: OWWF Bavaria, Nuremberg office
Zirkelschmiedegasse 4
90402 Nuremberg
Tobias Winkler is an insider on the Brussels political scene. From 2009 to 2014, he was the office manager of the former President of the European Parliament, Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering, with a focus on EU foreign policy.
Please let us know your participation at info@owwf.bayern
OWWF Bavaria