High-Tech in the German Armed Forces - former DOM delegation informed itself

Meldung vom 3. September 2018

A delegation of the former DOM - Deutsches Ostforum Munich informed itself about the significance of the digital revolution within the German Armed Forces during a visit to the German Armed Forces Technical Center for Information Technology and Electronics (WTD 81) in Greding, central Franconia.


The High-Tech Center is part of the division of the Federal Office for Equipment,  Information technology and use of the Bundeswehr (BAAINBw) and was founded in the early sixties.


As Director Rainer Kurg emphasized at the presentation, the military engineering department is investing in promising business fields. The support of high technological requirements is a top priority. The core tasks are divided into the integrated verification of systems and devices, R & D processing with tasks from the Ministry of Defence's research and technology programme, as well as specialist technical support and focus on the specialist areas of reconnaissance technology, electronic warfare, electromagnetic compatibility, fire control technology, command and control information systems, IT security, communication, measurement technology on weapon systems as well as navigation, radar and robotics.


In order to fulfil its tasks, the Military Technical Service Center for Information Technology and Electronics has Europe's largest fully shielded hall for electromagnetic compatibility and effects (EMC) investigations. The world's largest domed building houses a unique target simulation facility, which was erected by a member e. sigma Systems, Managing Director Josef Müllner at the top. The company is a leading manufacturer of interactive simulation and training systems. The facility is used for realistic simulation of battlefield scenarios in the optical and infrared spectral range.


The members of the delegation were extremely impressed by the diverse range of duties of the Military Technical Service. Vice President Richard Heindl, CEO of HEITEC AG, underlined:"The integration of today's technology spectrum into the modern armed forces of the German Federal Armed Forces leads to new military capabilities that have produced a whole range of military technologies. Against the backdrop of the digital revolution, it seems that the mass armies of the 20th century are being replaced by high-tech armies in which individual soldiers have enormous technical aids at their disposal."



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